Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Buddy system.

And now.i've been introduced to a new system where i need to teach teachers on how to communicate in english.isn't that funny to be heard.

Well, since the government wants them to apply the language in their p&p process, so that how the buddy system is being introduced.

Teacher who teaches math and science, need to take an exam, and we, as their buddy, must help them to conquer the rules of this language.

And also, we've started it at almost two weeks already. As for me, i've been given two teachers to handle. And those two are also the seniors in that school.

Argh!!how am i suppose to teach them well since i'm also need a lot of things to learn!!Ayang..help me!!!HELP

Monday, January 29, 2007


Setelah jauh aku berkelana. Aku dapati diri aku bukan keseorangan. Aku ada ramai kawan di serata pelusuk negara ini. Dan bukan juga aku nak abaikan dorang semua. Doranglah yang menjadi teman untuk aku berbicara waktu berduka. Dorang lah yang banyak simpan rahsia dilema hidup aku.

Dan juga setelah lama aku tidak memonopoli bidang penulisan ini, tidak bermakna aku akan berdiam diri umpama menyuruh orang menganggap aku mati.

Well then, just leave the comments ya.

Kisah Aku dan Dia