Thursday, June 29, 2006


Kesibukan aku?ya..mungkin..terhadap komitmen aku yang lain. tak salah sekiranya aku berkata-kata sebegitu.

Selepas sahaja aku balik dari Selangor hari tu, sakit kepala aku semakin mengurang. Bila aku bagitau mak, dia kata aku sakit sebab rindu dengan keluarga. Betul ker?

Mungkin jugak. Empat tahun lepas perkara yang sama berlaku bilamana aku tak jumpa ngan parent aku lebih kurang tujuh bulan. Dan kepala aku sakit macam nak pecah. Bila jumpa doktor, dorang kata stress. So dorang bagi cuti n aku balik kampung jumpa my parent.

Alhamdulillah semua jadi ok balik. Tapi waktu tuh aku tak perasan lagi. Maybe sekarang baru aku nak sedar tentang kebenarannya kan?

Entahlah. Nak menaip blog sendirik pon macam kurang selesa dah. Kenapa? Entahlah..

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Al-Fatihah to my grandfather

Three days ago, I went back to Selangor. My grandfather passed away. In the morning and I got the messege from my father in the afternoon.

I rushed up calling all my siblings around here at Penang. Around 7 pm, my brothers, sister and me started our journey from Penang to Selangor. We arrived there around 1.30 am. Most of our relatives were asleep already except for my mom, dad, Pak Lang, Mak Yang, and Paksu. Also two of my cousins.

Dad let us wacthed the face of arwah. He was so calm. Just like a normal sleep. With smile. I'm so touched when i saw his face. After I read the Yassin, adn some pages of Al-Quran, I felt so sleepy. It was 6.30 then.

Around 8.30 am, it time to bath the corpse. Now I experiencing on how to give bath for the corpse. Quite hard. 9.15 am, the corpse being sent for pray. Then time to burry the corpse. And the burried remain steady. Everything gone well.

At night, a small ceremony being held to pray for the arwah. Everyone looks just fine. Since arwah went in easy way, so everybody has no worry at all.

I came back to Penang yesterday. I had to rush because I had an appointment to make with the doctor regarding on my headache. Too bad.

Anyway, the look on arwah's face was totally make me relieve. What kind of face that I'll look like when I die soon? Only He knows how.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Headache and hope

What a painfull headache I had past few weeks. Seems like this world is turning upside down. Thank goodness there is a special person who always keep taking care of me.

Even though the school holiday is for two weeks, but I still can't manage to go back to Pahang. Since I have some appointments to make with the doctor.

Every two days, I have to check my blood presure. I don't know what going on with me. Seems like I'm having a rough time due to my daily routine. It is not something that I can accept. But I hope for the time being, I can mange it. Just a hope.