Sunday, February 5, 2006


A long time ago while I'm in standard one..

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"..An accountant.."Your second ambition?"..A banker.."and your third ambition?"..A soldier..

..and all been writen in a card blue in colour..

Deep in my mind, there is hell no being a teacher. I only like to help who wants my help. Yes I like teaching people even when I was in standard three..

"Ajeeb..tolong ajar aku buat gasing dari dahan jambu batu..",Zaidi.."nantila kalo aku free"
"Ajeeb, lepas habis mengaji nanti, tolong Mak Aji ajar budak-budak lain mengaji ye"..Zaidi's mum..
"Ajeeb, aja aku matematik boleh tak? nanti aku belanja makan kat kantin",Erol..

..and still continue when I was in my secondary school.. It seems like I can't avoid myself from teaching others..

My first and second accountant...a banker...

I like Math very much.. I also like English.. WHen it comes to these subjects, I can't lose my attention to the teachers.. It is because my parent can't affort to buy me reference book at that point is just paying my full attention to the teachers.. Since I like Math the most, so I set my mind what kind of work that suite me.. As my teachers told me what kind of things involved with math in the daily life is money.. so I came out with that kind of ambitions..

My last ambition..a soldier..
It just for fun though..for boys like me those days which is to think about being a soldier is the coolest thing in the world...haha..

But then after my SPM.. I've been decided not to carry on my ambitions as I heard some rumors that there were too many accountants in Malaysia..and also the bankers don't have much time to leave my precious ambitions behind..

Soldier??..nah..I don't feel like I want to be one of them even I had the chance to be one..

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